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PC Qwintett: 75 year of Courbois

PC Qwintett: 75 year of Courbois

110 minkoncert2015
Stingray DJAZZ HD czwartek, 27 marca 10:43
Bimhuis, Amsterdam, The Netherslands. Pierre Courbois has been one of Europeâs leading jazz musicians since the mid-sixties. This concert, recorded at the renowned Amsterdam jazz club Bimhuis, sees the drummer playing with his QWINTETT. On the occasion of his 75th birthday in 2015, Courbois hit the road for the Pierre Courbois 75 Years Anniversary Tour. The PC QWINTETT consists of several highly acclaimed Dutch jazz musicians with whom Courbois has worked before in his long and versatile career. Among them are pianist Nike Langenhuijsen, double bassist Egon Kracht, trumpeter Toon de Gouw, and trombonist Ilja Reijngoud. QWINTETT honours the Charles Mingus tradition of thematic and melodic ensemble jazz - but also with an unmistakable Courbois groove! Courbois, known for his own way of combining compositions with improvisations, melodically melts constructions with uneven breaks.
  • Pierre Courbois
  • koncert
Rok produkcji
  • 2015
Czas trwania
  • 110 min