Opéra Royal de Liege. Sir John Falstaff leads a dissipated life. Permanently penniless, he sends the same love letter to Frau Fluth and Frau Reich, two rich bourgeois women. These women, seeing through the ruse, are highly put out. From that time on, their only amusement comes at the expense of the inept suitor. Thrown into the Thames with dirty laundry or expelled from the room with great sweeps of the broom while disguised as a woman, Falstaff becomes the laughing-stock of the village children when he walks through the woods in a ghost costume. The performance features an opera by Otto Nicolai, libretto by Hermann Von Mosenthal, and is based on William Shakespeare's play. Performed at the Opéra de Liege in Opéra Royal de Liege with conductor Christian Zacharias and star singers Franz Hawlata, Anneke Luyten, Werner Van Mechelen, Sabina Willeit and Laurent Kubla.