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Mozart - Mass in c minor, K. 427

Mozart - Mass in c minor, K. 427

61 minconcert1988
Stingray Classica HD czwartek, 27 marca 02:03
Knight's Hall, Wolfegg. This rendition of Mozart's Mass in c minor, KV 427 by the Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart and conductor Helmuth Rilling is recorded at the Knights Hall in Schloss Wolfegg. Soloists are Ibolya Verebics, Andrea Rost, Uwe Heilmann and Daniel Lichti. After Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had married Constanze Weber on the 4th of August 1782, he promised to compose a mass in her honour. He intended for the mass to be performed during the newlyweds' visit to Mozart's father in Salzburg. In January 1783 Mozart wrote to his father that his Mass in C minor 'Grosse Messe' was halfway finished, but when he arrived in Salzburg in July of the same year the mass was still incomplete. He would never finish the mass.The parts of the mass that Mozart did manage to compose (the Kyrie and Gloria) had their opening on the 26th of October 1783 in Salzburg, with Constanze as solo soprano.
  • Helmuth Rilling
  • Gächinger Kantorei
  • Bach Collegium Stuttgart & Ibolya Verebics
  • concert
Rok produkcji
  • 1988
Czas trwania
  • 61 min