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Janis Joplin - The Day the Rockstar Died

Janis Joplin - The Day the Rockstar Died

21 minkoncert2018
Stingray iConcerts HD środa, 26 marca 20:41
United Kingdom. Janis Joplin was one of the most successful and widely-known female rock stars of her era. After releasing three albums, she died of a heroin overdose at the age of 27. Her fourth album, Pearl, was released in January 1971, just over three months after her death. It reached number one on the Billboard charts. Her Legacy. The big-voiced, bluesy singer dominated the stage, forged her own path and paved the way for the female singers who followed.
  • Janis Joplin
  • koncert
Rok produkcji
  • 2018
Czas trwania
  • 21 min