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In the Organ's Stomach

In the Organ's Stomach

52 minconcert2015
Stingray Classica HD środa, 26 marca 04:01
Notre-Dame de Paris. Olivier Latry is the current holder of the Great Organ of Notre Dame. Between its original religious function and the interest of composers of all times, the great organ Cavaillé-Coll reveals its absolute modernity. Latry is considered one of the greatest organists of his generation, both in France and internationally. He sees himself as an ambassador of French music from the 17th through the 20th centuries as well as an advocate for the art of improvisation. Pieces played in the film are: Pierre Cochereau's Boléro, Louis Vierne's Carillon of Westminster and Scherzo from Symphony No. 2, Alexandre Guilmant's Sonata No. 1, Charles-Marie Widor's Gothic Symphony, Marcel Dupre's Cortege, Litanie and J. S. Bach's Passacaille & Fugue.
  • Olivier Latry
  • concert
Rok produkcji
  • 2015
Czas trwania
  • 52 min