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Chamber music: Sissoko & Segal

Chamber music: Sissoko & Segal

63 minkoncert2009
Stingray DJAZZ HD wtorek, 25 marca 11:18
Rhino Jazz Festival, Saint-Chamond, France. Hailing from a long tradition of Malian kora players, Ballake Sissoko has worked with renowned musicians such as Toumani DiabatĂS and Taj Mahal. He met the French born Vincent SĂSgal by chance, and the two began jamming together, uncertain of what kind of music might result. As a former member of the French National Orchestra, SĂSgal's Western classical training does not prevent him from exploring a wide variety of extended techniques, rendering his cello a flexible partner to Sissoko's kora. A childhood spent in the Pigalle district of Paris surrounded by immigrant communities exposed SĂSgal to African music from an early age. As such, he possesses a natural sensitivity to Sissoko's West-African style. The concert shows a brilliant interplay between the two musicians and combines the several worlds of jazz, Malian and classical music.
  • BallakĂS Sissoko
  • koncert
Rok produkcji
  • 2009
Czas trwania
  • 63 min