Het Noordbrabants Museum, s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands. Soprano Sophia Burgos (USA, 1991) and pianist Daniel Gerzenberg (Germany, 1991) perform Bart Visman's Vermeer's Gold; 'Nixe Binsefuss' from Hugo Wolf's Mörike-Lieder, and 'Die Bekehrte' from Goethe-Lieder; 'C'est l'extase langoureuse' from Claude Debussy's Ariettes oubliées; 'Crépuscule' from Gabriel Fauré's La chanson d'Eve; 'Asturiana' from Manuel de Falla's Siete canciones populares espanolas; and 'The night in silence under many a star' from George Crumb's Apparition, during the semi-finals of the International Vocal Competition 2021 - Lied Duo. This performance was recorded at Het Noordbrabants Museum in 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands.